What We Do

Sales & Marketing Automation

Automatically running your sales and marketing campaigns to a highly targeted audience that is likely to convert is not only possible, it is essential to maximise your ROI. Sales and Marketing have traditionally been separated but an organisation with a 360 strategy for both disciplines at the micro level, will always...

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Bricks and Digital Channel Integration

Often a company’s in-store or in-branch data never connect to their website, social platforms, and other digital channels in meaningful ways to increase sales. What if you could leverage point-of-sale transaction data, call centre conversations, and other customer interactions to predict what extra products or services would likely interest individual customers...

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Web & Application Development

At Purple Leaf Communications we build data centric websites and applications for organisations that want to streamline or automate processes, improve critical business operations, or capture important customer data and behaviour. The data captured is then used to create…

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Custom Data Science Solutions

Some clients require custom built machine learning models for a unique competitive advantage. Purple Leaf Communications can help from the ground up by following an improved methodology based on CRISP-DM, CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data Mining…

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What Folks Say

Why We Do

We believe everything can be measured, modelled, and improved.  It’s all in the data.

Data isn’t the new oil. It’s nuclear power. I’m not sure who first made this statement but one reason why this is true is because oil is limited but data isn’t. Most organisations spend a lot of money to capture and store data from various sources which just sits on a machine, or at best, is formatted into reports.  However, entities of all sizes are becoming aware of the potential for doing more with this data but aren’t sure how to get started. 

At Purple Leaf Communications we help our clients monetize data for sales, marketing, customer support, risk management, and…


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News & Views

Social Platforms – The Hotel Lobby of Digital Channels. Why you need an optimized website

Social platforms are like hotel lobbies. You can meet folks there, have interesting conversations, and wave to people you know who may be passing through. But that real estate isn’t yours. You’re limited as to what you can accomplish there..

Loyalty Programs and Privacy

Sharing private information isn’t necessarily a bad thing and for some professions it is necessary. If your doctor has any chance of healing you, he must understand certain aspects of your lifestyle and medical history. An attorney must also rely.